Kenyan Horticulture Bolstered by Elgon Kenya-Dudutech Deal

Recording an average rise of 15% to 20% yearly, the horticultural sector within the agricultural division is the most thriving industry. This sector specifically secures the services of roundabout 4.5 million Kenyan individuals in production, process as well as marketing. 3.5 million others indirectly benefit through trade, exchange and other different pursuits.

A partnership is struck between Integrated Pest Management (IPM) supplier Dudutech and agro input organization Elgon Kenya. Through this agreement, Elgon will disseminate Dudutech’s products that are acclaimed around the world. This partnership is thought of as ground-breaking in the horticultural business of Kenya.

Vikash Jain, Head of Crop Nutrition at Elgon Kenya commented “The deal ties with our mantra of finding innovative solutions for our farmers and walking with them in their food production process. The products have been tried and tested world over returning impressive results”. Elgon Kenya have an across-the-country system of stockists and agrovets making it simpler to get the products to farmers the nationwide.

Vikash further added, “Everyday farmers are staring at new and emerging threats as changes in weather hits home. We need to be on top of our game if we are to ensure that farmers are able to meet the growing demand for food in the face of the new threats while also protecting the environment in which they grow this food. These products address such concerns.”

Barnaba Rotich of Dudutech believes they have set themselves as a company to provide products that handles prominent threats farmers face while ensuring they protect the environment. They are proud to collaborate with Elgon Kenya who partakes in their philosophy and are anticipating changing the agricultural division with this agreement.

Beauvitech WP known for its competency against aphids, whiteflies and thrips, and Hypotech known for battling leafminer and shore flies will be among the Dudutech products that Elgon Kenya will distribute. Indeed, this partnership comes through in the wake of farmers moving to natural biological pest/disease control procedures as pesticide costs climb up past the farmers’ capacity while new dangers to agriculture develop because of environmental change.

With years of demonstrated track record of novel IPM provisions, Dudutech has been strengthening its motive to guarantee that farmers effectively battle risks to crop production through present-day bio control production setup and a thoroughly skilled team. Mr. Rotich trusts the ultimate objective is that the joint effort will go far in ensuring that the primary focus of Kenyan farmers (i.e. food generation) isn’t hindered in any capacity because of pests/diseases that are day-to-day turning into a distressing reality.

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