Tanzania’s Sh223 Billion Magufuli Bridge Project Underway

According to the executive secretary of Tanzania’s Transport Development Authority (TANROADS), the Magufuli Bridge Project (3,200 m), which will serve as a critical link between the Mwanza Region and the neighbouring countries of Tanzania like Burundi, Rwanda, and Uganda, is underway.

The primary goal of this project is to construct a high-quality bridge and roadways that will meet current and future requirements along the route while also improving road safety for those crossing the lake. Furthermore, the construction of this new bridge will accommodate predicted traffic demands along the route while also boosting user safety at the lake crossing location.

The bridge construction project will include a Dos bridge (520m) with an overall length of 3.00 km (including the approach section) that will span Lake Victoria’s perimeter. The road construction will include increasing 1.66 kilometers of the current road from two to four lanes, as well as developing 1.16 kilometers on the Kigongo side and 0.5 kilometers on the Busisi side to connect the already surfaced road to the Bridge.

The 8.8-kilometer-long and 25-meter-wide steel bridge will allow 1,600 cars to pass through in one minute, transforming Mwanza into a significant commercial hub in the Lake Zone. The contractor in charge of carrying out the project has already been paid Sh223 billion. The greater part of the road crosses the river, and the project includes a 3 km long embankment bridge with the primary bridge and two access bridges.

The manager of TANRODS admitted, “This project has two more aspects; the first is the implementation of the local engineers having the opportunity to take part in practical activities at the site.” I am pleased to share with you that we currently have 12 local engineers undergoing training.” He stated that the Government of Tanzania will fully finance the project because it is being designed and executed in collaboration with the China Civil Engineering Construction Group (CCECG) and the China Railway.