Morogoro Substation Inaugurated For $9.6 Million by Tanzania

Tanzania formally inaugurated the US$9.6 million (about 25 billion) Ifakara Substation in the Kilombero district of Morogoro. Its purpose is to protect locals and businesses from the uncertain power supply in the area.

The 20MVA power plant was inaugurated by Dr. Doto Biteko, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Energy. He stated that, it will provide electricity to three districts in the Morogoro region: Malinyi, Ulanga, and Kilombero.

The new station, which will power local businesses and social service institutions, will significantly alter the local population’s economic situation, according to the Deputy Prime Minister.

Our administration places a high priority on energy access. As the Ministry, providing power to the public is our first priority, at the opening ceremony, Dr. Biteko stated, “This is a necessity, not a luxury commodity. With additional funding provided by the European Union, the construction project got underway in 2020.

The Rural Energy Agency (REA) and TANESCO, a state-run utility company, were given a mission by the Deputy Prime Minister to improve facility execution in keeping with a thriving economy.

At least 54 value-added enterprises in the Ulanga district are anticipated to be powered by the power plant at first, in addition to the massive mining project that is now under construction in the area.  A 68 km long power distribution line that will cost taxpayers more than 104 billion has been revealed by the government in a related development.

The project’s completion, which will significantly improve people’s social and economic circumstances, was praised by Ms. Christine Grau, the EU Ambassador to Tanzania, as well as the Ministry of Energy, REA, TANESCO, and the contractors.

Since energy is essential to sustainable development, she continued, Tanzania and the European Union have a long-standing partnership in this area. In addition she stated that , “this cooperation has focused on various areas, including Clean Cooking Energy.”  This project (Ifakara) will provide institutions and citizens with the consistent electricity they need to grow economically.