An Initiative to Promote Renewable Energy Is Being Launched By Makueni County, Kenya in Collaboration with the British High Commission

Governor Mutula Kilonzo Jr. greeted Economic Counsellor Daniel Wilcox and his delegation from the British High Commission to Makueni. The conversations centered on joint efforts to mobilize resources in support of cutting-edge renewable energy technology and the county’s switch from grid-powered to solar-powered systems.

A significant area of partnership is the creation of an innovative County Energy Centre at Kisingo Technical Training Institute, which will serve the county and the surrounding regions.

The UK PACT team and county representatives for the Environment and Energy examined the Makueni County Referral Hospital’s ongoing solar panel installation project while they were there. The project, which is jointly funded by the county government and the UK, will produce 200 kilowatts of solar power, allowing the hospital to run totally on solar power. It is anticipated that this project will save the hospital Sh 7 million in electricity expenses each year.