Solar Project at the Makueni County Referral Hospital Commissioned By Governor Mutula Kilonzo Jr.

A solarization project at Makueni County Referral Hospital was put into service by Governor Mutula Kilonzo Jr.

With 200 kW of peak power generated by the hospital’s new solar energy system, the facility should save Ksh. 7 million on electricity costs yearly. The monthly electricity bill was more than $1.8 million prior to the installation of the new system. After installation, the county saved at least 600k–700k every month—June 2024’s bill was 1.1M, while July’s was 1.2M.

Governor Mutula highlighted that the solar system will provide additional electricity to the frequently erratic grid, guaranteeing a steady supply of power and reducing interruptions to healthcare services.

The project’s environmental benefits were emphasized by Health Services CECM Dr. Paul Musila, he stated that the hospital’s carbon footprint will be decreased. Additionally, he declared that the money saved from lower electricity bills will be used to improve hospital infrastructure and patient care.

Governor Mutula also announced aims to improve healthcare services by building a new surgical center, private wing, and intensive care unit at the county referral hospital.

Engineer Sebastian Kyoni, the CECM for Infrastructure Transport, Public Works, Housing, and Energy, said that the project demonstrates the county’s dedication to investing in renewable energy infrastructure in order to promote a greener future.

Deputy Governor Lucy Mulili, County Assembly Speaker Hon. Douglas Mbilu, local MCA Felix Mateso, and several of MCAs, CECMs, and Chief Officers were among those who attended the commissioning ceremony with Governor Kilonzo.