FullCare Medical has established a new facility for producing medical apparel in Tatu City, Kenya’s mixed-use Special Economic Zone (SEZ). The plant, which represents a $30 million investment, would first employ 1800 people before growing to 7000.
“Our belief in the transformative power of cooperation is reflected in our decision to invest in Kenya and Tatu City SEZ. As stated by FullCare Medical’s creator Lu Jianguo, “This state-of-the-art facility, which uses cutting-edge solar technology for sustainable manufacturing, is poised to export USD 60 million of medical goods annually while meeting the needs of the local market.”
“Kenya is seeing record levels of foreign direct investment thanks to Tatu City SEZ.” Tatu City, the first mixed-use Special Economic Zone in Kenya, has already drawn USD 2.5 billion in investment from over 78 companies, many of which are world-renowned in their industries, ranging from software engineering and call centers to healthcare and food and beverage production. Stephen Jennings, founder and CEO of Rendeavour, the company that owns and develops Tatu City, stated that these investments are giving Kenyans thousands of much-needed jobs.
FullCare Medical received $100 million in funding for its development into Africa from the World Bank’s investment arm, the International Finance Corporation.
Setting the standard for vibrant and enterprising Chinese businesses in Africa, the FullCare Medical facility is one of the biggest foreign direct investments Kenya has seen in recent years.
The opening ceremony was attended by Kenyan government representatives including Zhang Yijun, Minister Counselor at the Chinese Embassy in Nairobi.
“FullCare Medical symbolises the friendship between China and Kenya in the shared pursuit of progress,” according to him.