Safari Doctors Making a Difference in Rural Kenya

UNICEF has hailed Kenya as a “success” for the relentless advances they have made in working towards a superior economic environment. Kenya have progressed remarkably well in this respect.

For all the advances made over a number of sectors of the Kenyan economy, the health sector still remains understaffed with the government working hard to change this. Despite progress being made, this still remains an issue for many Kenyans.

Only 4.5 percent of Kenya’s GDP has been put to the utilization of medical facilities and medical services.

This is what has incited Umra Omar, a local of Lamu Archipelago on Kenya’s eastern drift to come up with ‘Safari Doctors’. Omar is a former student of a reputed college in the United States and chose to make a return to her native country to help those in need.
It gives free basic medical help to those in Lamu and its surrounding areas. The services that Safari Doctors renders include vaccinations, maternity services and treatment for diarrhea and other common illnesses. Omar and her foundation benefit upwards of 1000 people on a yearly premise and every journey is done as per the assets accessible at the time.

Omar stated, “It was a kind of sense of responsibility to come back to where I was born.” With approximately six villages in Lamu with zero access to healthcare, residents are alienated as a boat trip from Lamu to one of its surrounding islands can cost as much as $300 or a week of salary.”

Omar makes bi-month to month journeys to these zones and each excursion takes up to four days to wrap up.

Omar remains a case of how one individual can make a big difference even in overwhelming conditions. Her achievements have earned her the regarded CNN Hero of 2016 award.