Kenyan Mainland Exploring on Flat-Roofed Houses

Directors of Abib Jaus, Ephantus King’ori said, a construction company that concentrate in designing and building flat-roofed houses, many of the seaside homeowners prefer flat roofs because they afford them a panoramic view, especially that of the ocean, from the deck on top of their house.

Mr King’ori allotted the coastal roof design to one of his client and as the name suggests, flat roofs tend to be even, with no pitch. They, however, have a small pitch to allow for water run-off and drainage, controlling rainwater from pooling on the roof. This design is features of Egyptian, Persian and Arabian architecture styles.

There may be no ocean breeze to enjoy in Kenya’s mainland, but with slightest modifications, flat roofs can be converted for other uses.

In the view of Duncan Ndung’u, also a real estate developer, the pitch of a flat roof should be considerate, a factor that allows the surface to be utilized as a terrace, a rooftop living room or lounge, patio, gazebo, or partly enclosed to create a penthouse or even a mini-garden. “Some investors add an extra waterproofing component and build a swimming pool on top of their flat-roofed houses,” he adds.

Flat-roofed houses, says Mr King’ori, form the best setting for minimalism, modernity and an even avant-garde design. House cooling and heating systems, he adds, can be kept on the flat roofs, keeping them out of sight, while at the same time providing a favorable format for installing solar panels, for extra energy supply in the house, making the home more energy-efficient.