USD 85 million initiatives for scaling African agroforestry announced

During the U.N. Climate Summit last month Africa gets a major boost on scaling its agroforestry to the full pace. On reducing the effects of climate change, a group of NGOs announced to initiate the biggest land restoration project the world has ever seen.

The project has secured funding from G9 Ark to initiate the project, which dubbed the Grand African Savannah Green Up. This USD 85 million project is envisioned as a massive scale-up of Farmer Managed Natural Regeneration (FMNG), which is an encouragement of regeneration of shrubs, and trees that sprout from roots, stumps, and seeds in degraded soil

This method, along with other complementary practice is already taking place in most parts of Ethiopia, Kenya, Tanzania, Uganda, and other East African countries. Once established the plants improve the soil fertility and moisture from plants in combination with a system helps to create a habitual environment for diverse creatures.

These groups of NGOs are planning to capture around 20 billion tons of Carbon dioxide annually by 2050, which will help to minimize the effects of Climate change globally. These groups of NGOs include World Vision, World Agroforestry, Catholic Relief Services, The Nature Conservancy, CARE International, Justdiggit, Concern Worldwide, World Resources Institute, and others.

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