Movement to Encourage Organic Farming in Tanzania

Tanzania Organic Agriculture Movement (TOAM) will work collaboratively with the Ministry of Agriculture to hold their second National Ecological Organic Agriculture Conference in October of this year. The conference, which will be held in Dodoma and will be attended by over 300 participants from Tanzania and elsewhere, will, among other things, raise public awareness about the importance of organic farming in further attempts to improve the livelihoods of grassroots farmers.

Organic farming, which has been done by ancestors since time immemorial, not only conserves the soil and its other biological species, but also assures farmers get fresh produce, according to TOAM Chairperson Dr Mwatima Juma.

“Organic farming contributes to environmental health by lowering pollutant levels. It lowers the risk of human and animal illness by lowering the amount of residues in the product. It lowers agricultural production costs while simultaneously improving soil health. In most situations, it maintains and enhances fertility, soil structure, and biodiversity, as well as reducing erosion. it lowers the danger of harmful material exposure in humans, animals, and the environment “In an interview, she stated.

Dr. Juma further stated that the conference’s major purpose will be to promote natural and inexpensive agriculture to farmers without the use of chemicals in the form of fertilisers and pesticides, which end up contaminating the soil.