Sh12bn Power Hub Contracts Are Expected To Be Ready In June

Attorney-General Justin Muturi will be able to approve the contracts this month for the establishment of a new national electricity dispatch hub, which will be run by the Kenya Electricity Transmission Company (Ketraco), raising the prospect of affordable consumer rates.

Kenya Power operated the National System Control Centre (NSCC), which is presently situated on Juja Road in Nairobi, until January 2022, when the Energy and Petroleum Regulatory Authority (Epra) relieved it of its operating duties.

The primary goals of a system operator are to guarantee grid stability and that consumers receive the most affordable power possible by regulating the mix of electricity supplied to the national grid from various sources.

Along with ensuring the security of the electric power system and setting up the dispatch procedure, the operator also balances consumer demand for power with the supply of electrical energy.

The contracts for building the NSCC and a backup control centre will be available for approval this month, according to John Mativo, Managing Director of Ketraco.

“We’re constructing a brand-new, cutting-edge national control centre in Embakasi. €85 million, or Sh12.26 billion, will be spent on the project. The nation control centre will be beneficial to us since everything we do needs to be monitored and overseen,” John Mativo, stated.

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