M-PESA Foundation Commits KES 32 Million to Health Initiatives in Lamu County

The Mokowe Sub-County hospital now has a trauma and orthopedic unit and a maternal and child health unit, thanks to a KES 29 million donation from the M-PESA Foundation and the County Government of Lamu.

The hospital had a variety of equipment, including nebulizers, medicine trolleys, suction machines, delivery beds, screening tools, baby monitoring tools, maternity chairs, and a variety of surgical tools.

A KES 3 million multispecialty medical camp at King Fahad Referral Hospital and Mokowe Sub-County Hospital was also financed by the Foundation. Over the course of the three-day camp, physicians from King Fahad Referral Hospital successfully performed 57 procedures.

“At the M-PESA Foundation, health is one of our main pillars, with a particular emphasis on maternity and child healthcare. With the help of our investments made in Lamu County under this pillar since 2018, approximately 30,000 people have gained access to maternity care. This time, through our vast medical camps, we are benefiting over 900 residents of Lamu while also increasing health services to the people of Mokowe, according to Joseph Ogutu, Chairman of the Safaricom Foundation.

It is now possible for Mokowe Sub-County Hospital to do gynecological, ophthalmology, and orthopedic procedures. Furthermore, patients with specialized conditions, such as chronic illnesses, will receive treatment; women with fistulas can also be monitored, and corrective procedures can be carried out.

We are able to develop and address the main issues that our county faces because of these relationships. Our people have a pressing need for access to healthcare, and we are grateful to the M-PESA Foundation for supporting our work in this area. With the completion of the Mokowe Sub-County Hospital’s equipment, we anticipate better health outcomes,” stated Lamu County Governor Issa Timamy.

Through the use of telemedicine, the medical camp gave Lamu people access to orthopedic, pediatric, and specialty treatment. In addition, as part of maternal care, 100 mama packs were given to mothers who had given birth at King Fahad Referral Hospital.