Kibamba-Kisarawe Water Project to be Implemented in Tanzania

The kibamba-kisarawe water project will receive a financial commitment of one tri/- from the governments of Tanzania and India. This action seeks to enhance Tanzania’s water sector. The government of India with cooperation with government of Tanzania set to inject 1tri/- for kibamba- kisarawe water project. This action aims to improve Tanzania’s water sector. The kibamba – kisarawe project will be carried out by constructing a tank with a capacity of six million litres. The project will cost $10.6 billion to totally implement. Additionally, it will serve 450,000 residents of kibamba and kisarawe district in the coast region.

Dr. Subrahmanyan jaishankar, india’s minister of foreign affairs, went to see how the kibamba water tank was moving along. The government also cooperated with the government of India to build the tank. According to Dr. Subrahmanyan, The Government of India is ready to collaborate together with the Government of Tanzania. Additionally, as enhanced water service is a requirement for all humans, this cooperation will guarantee that water supply is improved. We have chosen to visit this project expressly in order to follow its implementation’s progress since it was created eight years ago. We are pleased to see the project’s positive development, which has proven a big help to the locals in these areas

The tanzanian administration received plaudits from the Indian Minister for its outstanding efforts to improve access to clean water. Additionally, A significant portion of the general population is currently using the service. The Indian Government recognises the value of water supply as a fundamental human right, and we extend our heartfelt congratulations to Tanzania on its achievements in this area. Jumaa Aweso, the Water Minister for Tanzania, praised the Indian Government for its efforts to enhance the supply of water in the nation when discussing the cooperation.

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