Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam (GERD) project has been finally completed says, Mr. Abiy Ahmed

The Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam’s final filling has been finished, according to an important announcement made by Ethiopia’s Prime Minister, Abiy Ahmed, on the popular social media platform X. Ali stated that the fourth and final filling of the dam (GERD) was finally completed efficiently. The Prime Minister conveyed his gratitude and had the opportunity to emphasize the collaborative work done by Ethiopians who were a part of this historical achievement. Despite the many challenges that arose, including external influences and challenges, Abiy Ahmed demonstrated that Ethiopia continued with tenacity, emphasizing that there was still work to be done and that this was not the end of their efforts. He additionally said that he would keep working to support the development of the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam until it was completed.

Ethiopia had intended to begin filling the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam in the summer of 2020. The dam, which is located on the Blue Nile near the Sudanese border, is expected to supply power to Ethiopian citizens in order to foster development and poverty alleviation. When fully functional, the massive Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam, with a length of 1.8 km and a height of 145 meters, has the ability to produce up to 5,000 megawatts, effectively doubling Ethiopia’s electricity production. Currently, hardly half of Ethiopia’s population has access to electricity. According to the United States International Trade Administration, just 44% of Ethiopia’s population is expected to have access to electrical power by 2022. Since its groundbreaking in 2011, The GERD has been at the center of an area of contention among Ethiopia, Sudan, and Egypt.

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